Skill acquisition and biomechanics

Physical Education


This session looks at some of the key concepts and key terminology across both the topics of skill acquisition and biomechanics.

The focus is on developing some useful study strategies to ensure full understanding of how movement skills are developed and improved.

The lens of focus is through a close up look at past exam questions.

Rhonda Mallinder

I have worked passionately with VCE Physical Education students for over 30 years. I have had many years experience working with students and teachers from Government, Independent and Catholic schools. My goal is for students to enjoy physical education as much as I do and to assist them to reach their potential. Over the past 20 years I have undertaken numerous roles with the VCAA, this has given me great insight into assisting students on how to appropriately respond to questions and how to avoid common mistakes.

Skill acquisition and biomechanics

Presented by Rhonda Mallinder

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