Exam techniques



Each VCE subject comes with its own characteristics and Chemistry is no exception.

This class provides advice on:

  • time management
  • likely question types
  • how to express your answers
  • trends in the way each topic is assessed
  • use of correct chemical conventions
  • prioritising subject content
  • commentary on limitations of student responses on previous exams
  • the impact of the new study design on likely questions.

Pat O'Shea

Pat O’Shea is currently teaching chemistry at Alphington Grammar School and has taught VCE chemistry for over thirty years. He is one of the authors of the popular Heinemann Chemistry series and has been writing trial exams for many years. He is ideally suited to provide advice on the impact of the new study design as he was on the VCAA committee that rewrote this document and he helped write the sample exam for this new course. He maintains a Weebly site that provides free chemistry resources for Victorian teachers and has marked VCE chemistry exams for many years.

Exam techniques

Presented by Pat O'Shea

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